HVAC Seasonal Maintenance Inspections
A well maintained unit will not only extend the life expectancy of the system, but will also reduce your energy bill. A clean, properly charged system, will run for shorter periods of time reducing the cost to operate. With the rising costs of equipment, refrigerant, and electricity a small investment now may result in a significant savings tomorrow.
Our seasonal maintenance inspection includes
- Check Refrigerant charge, will add the first pound of refrigerant Free (if needed)
- Check Electrical connections
- Check Operating controls
- Record voltage and amperage
- Lubricate fan motors (if needed)
- Inspect condition of Condenser and Evaporator coils
- Surface clean Condenser and Evaporator coils
- Check condensate drain
- Inspect filters
- Record temperatures and pressures
- Clean Evaporator drain pan
- Flush Condenser Coil
- Adjust belts (if any)
- Check proper thermostat operation
- Add Biocide tablet to system to assure proper drainage
- Provide a written report of systems condition
Our business model is designed to put the customer first, middle, and last. We appreciate your consideration, and look forward to speaking with you should you have any questions or concerns